1. This article gave me a new perspective on something I thought I already knew a significant amount about. I constantly joke with my husband about the strange movie choices he makes when picking Netflix movies. Most of the time however, I enjoy the movie and think that I would never have chosen most of his rentals. Reading this article made me think about the fact that I more than likely would not be exposed to such a wide genre of movies if not for the wide choices offered by Netflix.This particular portion of the article interested me because I see it true in my household.
The last section, rule 3, was another portion that held my interest. It is interesting how a simple addition such as a recommendation can make such a difference. It makes a difference not only to the company monetarily but also to the consumer. Personally I do not have an Itunes or Rhapsody account but I do have an Amazon account. Sometimes I do look at what is recommended to me and consider buying what is listed. I could see myself buying a song for another .99 if it sounds interesting. I think it is a great marketing tool and also a way to expand musical interests.
2. The only question I have is not necessarily one that can be answered. I wonder about the future of readers, music listeners, and movie watchers. Will we lose the book? Will movie theaters eventually become insignificant? It is a future that I look forward to seeing but at the same time gives me a sense of melancholy. Will a next generation miss out on the whole experience of going to the movies, buying popcorn and snuggling up with a loved one?
3.There is nothing I would change about the article. I'm not an expert in this field so I cannot really make any changes =)
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