Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blog post #6

Overall, I found that the most of the recommendations were very good choices. The blog by Andrew Marcinek, is one of the recommendations that I found most interesting. I found that the writer really hits on a big issue which is the fear that many teachers have when it comes to technology.  I have found that even those who are young, 30's-40's, are resistant to using technolgy in their classroom. And if the technology does not work perfectly all the time...Oh My God!!! I agree that it can be very frustrating but at the same time the technology is there so we need to use it.  I am not the most technological savvy person, but I try to learn. That is what is most important; trying.

I am graduating from the Principalship and Supervisor program in about a year and a half. If all goes well (cross your fingers) I will have a job the following September. I realize that this issue of technology fear is going to be a major issue to tackle. How will I inspire others who are digging in their heels that they must learn these skills to successfully prepare our students for a 21st century world?? If I had the answer to that I would be a millionaire. However, being aware is the first positive step towards this means. I believe that funds for professional development should be used towards this goal. Training and awareness is key.

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